
In order to contribute to the global MIS community

with value-added services, Fulbright Academy strives

to provide the best available educational resources

to the widest range of surgeons all over the world.

The 20th BEST Congress
Tijuana, Mexico

This year is the 20th anniversary of the Bariatric Endoscopic Surgery Trends, Fulbright is so honored to be the platinum sponsor of the BEST Congress in Tijuana, B.C., Mexico

Dr. Nilton Kawahara founded BEST 20 years ago. This year's BEST congress is unique because it has a large number of live surgeries during the event, 26 surgeries were performed in 3 days by great experts in the field. It gathered doctors and professors of the highest standards worldwide, achieving great interactivity and debates. Professors and doctors from Mexico (37 from different Mexican states) and 45 other countries came to Tijuana and joined the congress. All surgeons have a sole objective to increase knowledge about Bariatric/Metabolic Surgery in an environment of multidisciplinary interrelation. 

Fulbright is proud to provide the best quality staplers for the best congress and our Lunar U won the trust and confidence of the surgeons. The 26 surgeries were all performed with Lunar U staplers, which have strong compression, excellent cutting force, and a lightweight design. These features help surgeons to handle different challenge cases with the highest safety and lowest complications. We will keep on organizing different courses to help bariatric surgeons.

We would like to thank the support of Colegio de Cirugía Bariátrica y Enfermedades Metabólicas del Estado de Baja California (CCBEMBC) and especially from its President, Dr. Jaime Ponce de León, as well as its board of directors (Dr. Sergio Verboonen and Dr. Elías Ortíz). We express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Nilton Kawahara and Dr. Almino Ramos for their support. Thanks to Dr. Jordi Pujol, Dr. Mohit Bandari, Dr. Rui Ribeiro, Dr. Mario Nora, Dr. Alex Escalona, Dr. Manuel Aceves, Dr. Victor Dib, Dr. Alcides Branco, Dr. Ángel Guillén, and Dr. Carlos Madalosso for supporting Fulbright.

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